We are fortunate to have access to our main outdoor shooting range all year round, seven days a week, however we generlly meet on a Thursday evening and Sunday morning as a “club target day”. During October to April we shoot indoors on a Thursday night. This allows us to shoot in the Andy Harris and Bray League over the winter indoors.
The Andy Harris League is an Essex & Suffolk round which was put together by Andy so that those clubs with only 15 yard ranges could compete through the winter. Since Andy Harris passed away, Essex County decided to continue running the tournament in memory of him. This is a postal league which is shot on 40cm target faces and each archer shoots 3 dozen arrows after sighters.
This year we have entered teams for Recurve in the Andy Harris and Compound/Recurve for the Bray League too.
These dates are Thursdays but you should submit your score on your Club session during this week.
The current League information is on the Essex County Archery Association Andy Harris League Page and for the Recurve and Compound Bray League Page